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​Pricing Intelligence, RFP’s, RFQ’s & Tender:


Everything you need to make the smartest pricing decision when you respond to RFP's and Tenders or prepare Spot Quotes

  • Auto-Upload Spreadsheets to the Cloud by mapping shipper columns and data to your internal template in minutes, not hours

  • Automatically Assign Lanes to the Best People to Price the Lanes: Rules-based engine assigns lanes based on geography, role, or mode

  • Apply internal benchmarks by importing historicals and shipment data from your TMS

  • Leverage External Data Services such as Xeneta, Magaya, DAT, Truckstop: Apply industry insight, at the time you need it

  • Apply artificial intelligence algorithms and formulas to price with confidence and control.

  • Identify Strategic Lanes in each RFP so you can price them most effectively.

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