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Automating Your Workflows

You can’t think of an industry more dependent on large groups and collaborative workflows than logistics and transportation. Not only do large, distributed teams work together on time-sensitive deliverables (like a tender response, for example), they often do so from dozens or hundreds of offices around the country, or even the world. Automating these processes demands an innovative approach.

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Winmore’s Flexible Data Model

Logistics requires groups to work together as they go about their business, qualifying and responding to tenders, onboarding shipper customers, preparing for QBRs, and update SOPs. This not only requires workflows for groups, not individuals, but also a flexible data model.

Data Model

With such a data model, every brokerage, carrier, or forwarder can use the core data elements that are configured in the Winmore platform such as shipper, contact, trade lane, tender, and so forth, but then they can configure their own data elements—we call them “Record Types”—to model any part of their commercial operations.


Finally, these data elements then can be configured to move through a group workflow. For example, the data element—RFP—moves through the qualification and response workflow with stages and tasks assigned to your pricing and commercial teams.  This innovative approach gives logistics companies the ability to tackle virtually any commercial process.

Configuring Your Own Workflows

Just as Winmore’s customers configure their own data elements, many take advantage of the Winmore platform to model their own workflows in the platform. This is a powerful way to extend the Winmore platform to adjacent processes, such as credit checks or QBR preparation.

Fortunately, the Winmore platform includes the Winmore Visual Design Studio, a point-and-click, drag-and-drop environment for changing and updating existing workflows as well as creating, deploying, and modifying your own workflows … all without writing code.


In fact, many Winmore customers maintain that if a team member can write a macro in Microsoft Excel, more than likely, they can configure and customize Winmore workflows. After all, the Winmore platform is designed for self-sufficiency so logistics companies can modify and maintain their workflows without hiring outside consultants or requiring long hours from IT.


Workflows Designed for the Logistics Industry

Winmore focuses exclusively on meeting the requirements of the global logistics industry, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise to know the platform ships with pre-configured workflows designed for the most common commercial processes in transportation. This means Winmore customers benefit from faster time-to-value than traditional business software that requires lengthy customization cycles.


On day one, Winmore customers can choose from a “Workflow Catalog,” which features the best practices of qualifying, responding, and pricing an RFP or tender response, onboarding customers, managing collaborative sales efforts, and defining and administering SOPs.

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